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In the “Off-Wing Fake and Pass,” you fake a pass to one side, and then make the actual pass about 90 degrees to the other side, by doing a two-touch from backhand to forehand. This pass can be used at any location on the ice, but it is named the “Off -Wing Fake and Pass” because of the angle that is used if you encounter a 2-on-1 on your off-wing side. In this situation, you fake a shot before sending the pass across to your teammate. The “Off-Wing Fake and Pass” can also be used to fake a pass to one player before passing to another. Popular times to use this technique are on the powerplay (point, half wall or corner) or as the first pass from the defenseman coming out of the zone.



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COMING IN PHASE III, this will be where you will find a cool / unique fact about this skill. For example, Did you know, Patrick Roy used the "Just Kidding" Fake, to deke out Wayne Gretzky? Stay tuned when we launch Phase III!


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