It is no secret that training your skills off ice has been a secret weapon of some of the best players in the world! Our Prestige 1 Off-Ice Shooting section will teach you the three main off ice types of shots, namely the “Sitting Duck Puck,” the “Toe Pull,” and the “Two Touch.” These 3 types of release are the foundation to all 30 of the different on ice shot releases in our On-Ice Shooting section. Once you understand and start to develop each of these P1 skills, our P2 Section is ready to challenge you further, by combining the P1 elements into drills that allow you to further develop and master these skills in varying situations. These are the same drills that we use with our top level players! The only difference being how fast and proficient you can execute them. Be sure to get yourself some plastic tiles, and a net system where you won’t break anything, and it’s time to get to work.