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Snow Plow Deceleration

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The “Snowplow” is the term we use to describe the foot turning with the toe inwards, which is opposite to a punch stop, where the toe faces outwards. This is almost like doing 1 foot of the classic “pizza stop” taught to beginners. While it is sometimes thought of as a beginner type skating move, it absolutely has elite applications, since it is so quick and subtle. Many top level players use it to change speeds on zone entries and breakaways, as well as to create deception on shots, and create separation with dekes. When working on this skill, try to be quick and efficient with your snowplow, focusing on not giving away what you are doing by gliding excessively into it.


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COMING IN PHASE III, this will be where you will find a cool / unique fact about this skill. For example, Did you know, Patrick Roy used the "Just Kidding" Fake, to deke out Wayne Gretzky? Stay tuned when we launch Phase III!


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